Drama schools

Class Act Drama Academy

Here they “develop personalities as well as performers”. Essential life skills are taught as well as performance skills, with students having the freedom to develop, whether they are destined for the stage or simply in need of a confidence boost.

Local classes are run throughout Northern Ireland to suit all abilities and age groups, from P1 to Upper Sixth.

Contact: Class Act Drama Academy, 57 Queens Parade, Bangor BT20 3BH

T: 028 91464337



Starburst Theatre School

Students at the school are encouraged to get involved in all aspects of the show: from choosing the production,to starring in it, making the scenery and costumes and learning the dance routines and songs.

Contact: Starburst Theatre School, 34 Bleach Green, Dunadry, Antrim BT41 2GZ

T: 028 94433731

E: info@starbursttheatreschool.co.uk


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