Four tips for enjoying a cleaner, greener Christmas

The last thing most of us want to think about in the full flood of pre-Christmas excitement is the trail of waste left in our wakes after the big day itself. Yet follow it must, as surely as Christmas turns into Boxing Day, and Wiltshire families may find they save some time, energy and resources by taking advantage of a few handy recycling tips just announced by Wiltshire Council.

First, the council recently introduced a kerbside battery collection scheme to gather up the many extra waste batteries from toys, festive lights and other decorations generated at Christmas, to prevent them going into general waste. To recycle D, C, AA, AAA, 9V, and button-type batteries seal them in a transparent plastic bag on top of the existing blue-lidded bin, alongside the general recycling. The council says that over six tonnes of batteries have been collected already via this scheme, while all other types of batteries can still be recycled at one of its recycling centres.


The local authority also suggests households follow these handy recycling tips this season:

Test whether your wrapping paper can be recycled by scrunching it into a ball and see if it holds its shape. If it does it can be recycled but if it doesn’t it goes into general waste.

Real Christmas trees can be recycled by people who have signed up for garden waste collection.

People can make a donation to charities who collect Christmas trees. More details online.

Check out the council’s online guide to which plastic packaging materials can be recycled and help reduce the amount that is incorrectly disposed of.


Wiltshire Council Christmas Recycling Information

Charity Christmas tree collection


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