Brighton College Prep School provides a decade of difference for its pupils

Children begin their educational journey in Nursery at three years old and progress to the senior school at 13.

The Nursery curriculum is highly innovative, with a strong focus on promoting early literacy skills, physical development, role-play, and technology. The teaching is progressive and diverse, facilitating a smooth transition of children into one of the two Reception classes. Specialist teaching starts in Reception, where children benefit from learning French, Mandarin, art, PE, games, and music. They receive weekly lessons in computing, which impart essential IT skills, and library lessons to encourage pupils to read extensively. Swimming lessons begin at the age of five, and from six years old, boys and girls can learn a musical instrument and develop their performance skills. As the children progress, their world of learning expands, incorporating a HEALTH curriculum that focuses on wellbeing and nutrition, curriculum drama, and design and technology, in addition to traditional subjects like maths, English, science, and humanities. The school offers an excellent co-curricular provision, including LAMDA courses, choirs, music ensembles, and orchestras. There are over 100 clubs and activities available during lunchtimes and after school, ranging from karate and chess to yoga and tennis.

To book a place at an Open Morning or arrange an individual tour, contact

For more information, please visit the website or check out their advert in this issue of Primary Times. Follow them on Facebook, X, and Instagram


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